Corpus Christi Episcopal Church

We are an inclusive parish offering you a spiritual home where you can worship, belong, and grow in the love of God.

Join us for our 2024 Christmas Services:
Christmas Eve at 6PM
Christmas Day at 9:30AM

Join us for Holy Eucharist each Sunday at 9:30AM

About Corpus Christi

We strive to create an inclusive worship community where all people are celebrated and valued for the unique gifts, experiences, and stories they bring. Founded in 2007 by a group of retired people, we continue to develop and grow with each new voice we add to our family. By caring, loving, and supporting each other we find joy and fun in our church - and seek to extend that experience into our communities and beyond.

Guided by the belief that Christ is found in everyone, we welcome people from every walk of life so that each one of us has the oppurtunity to be transformed in Love by one another.

You can find us just south of Leesburg, only 10 minutes from The Villages. We invite you to join us!


Our Mission as members of Corpus Christi Episcopal Church is to use the gifts God gave us to seek and serve Christ in all people through preaching, teaching, prayer. We vow to evangelize within our communities by making our presence known, by offering outreach and pastoral care, and by fostering a welcome atmosphere within our church and homes. Serving as the hands and feet we vow to be proponents of reconciliation, peacemakers in the midst of crisis, healers in the midst of pain, and bearers of Christ to all the world.

Seeking and serving Christ in all.


The Altar Guild's purpose is to insure that the altar is completely dressed and ready for any and all services, such as regular Sunday services, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, etc. The Altar Guild performs their duties in a reverent manner working in teams of two. Training sessions are held periodically as a refresher. The Altar Guild is responsible for the cleaning of the Sanctuary and the Sacristy and the Rector's vestments. The Altar and Credence Table are dressed on Saturday mornings with the proper linens and serving pieces.

Studies covering a wide range of topics are offered throughout the year. This small group format allows for a family type atmosphere offering mutual encouragement to persons who wish to enhance their Christian learning experience.

Members of the Church work alongside residents of the local Okahumpka community in an ongoing effort to restore the Rosenwald School Building as a historic site and Community Center.

For more information, visit:

There are many wonderful opportunities to help in providing a worship time each week that celebrates our life in Christ and renews and encourages our spirits. From being part of the worship planning team service bulletin preparation and scheduling - to participation in services by reading lessons, being part of the choir; being an acolyte, a Lay Eucharistic Minister or an usher - each person brings a necessary and unique contribution.

Lay Eucharistic Minister - A lay person licensed by the Diocese of Central Florida to aminister the consecrated elements at a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. For more information contact the Reverend Amanda Bordenkircker.

Lay Eucharistic Visitor - A lay person licensed by the diocese to take the consecrated elements following a celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation and in the community who by reason of illness of infirmity were unable to be present at the celebration. For more information contact the Reverend Amanda Bordenkircker.

The Union of Black Episcopalians, or "UBE", exists to serve as an instrument to eradicate, eliminate and neutralize racism as a causative agent of division within the Episcopal Church. Coprus Christi is a church sponsor of UBE and particpates in our local chapter.

Parish Prayer

Almighty God, my Church is composed of people like me.
I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly if I am.
Its pews will be filled if I help fill them.
It will do great works if I do them.
It will make generous gifts to many causes if I am a generous giver.
It will bring people into its worship and fellowship if I invite and bring them.
It will be a Church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, and a Church with a noble spirit.
If I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same qualities.
Therefor, with the help of God,
I shall dedicate myself to the take of being all things that I want my Church to be.
Bless my journey, Lord God, that I might fulfill this pledge to builds the Church.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.


Physical Address

3430 County Rd 470 West
Okahumpka, FL 34762



Mailing Address

PO Box 68
Okahumpka, FL 34762

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